Essential Services/Call Center
Emergency supplies – food; clothing; diapers; medical; transportation; short-term rent, utility bills support; counseling; domestic violence;
Referrals – medical/health clinics;housing; household items; jobs; schools; early childhood programs; immigration issues; food pantries; pharmacies; tenant rights issues;
Translation services – appointments; meetings; services; court; documents;
Therapy – group; individual; referrals
Partnerships and advocacy

Youth Development and Engagement
Peace Leadership Institute
Capstone Community Project
Girl Talk support group
Ollin Youth Leadership Groups
One on one or small group Tutoring
Mentoring - Coaching
College/Career awareness and support
Partnerships and advocacy

Weekly Zoom and/or on-site series: Physical/Mental Health; group therapy; Education issues; Art; Reading; Healthy Eating; Family –parenting;
Computer literacy; ESL
Chicago Parent Program
Cooperativa – Social Economic Project
Effective Partnerships
Community Participatory Research
Community Engagement
Partnerships and advocacy

Culturally Driven Events
February - Dia de Nopal
March - Women’s Conference
April - Dia del Niño
June - Kermes Mexicana
August - Feria Escolar
October - Dia de los Muertos
Community Events
Clothing/food drives
Health screening/vaccinations
Resource fairs
Partnerships and advocacy
Art | Computer Literacy | ESL | GED | Sewing Workshop | Spanish Literacy